US Wind MD is proposing to establish a meteorological tower within the Maryland Wind Energy Area approximately 15.5 miles east of Ocean City, Maryland. US Wind anticipates establishing the tower in August 2016.
The tower will be located at 38 21 09.9 N, 074 45 12.8 W. Its mast height will be approximately 100 m (328 feet) above mean sea level, and will be made of steel construction, including Braced Caisson foundation (3 legs), deck, and lattice framework tower.
The foundation and deck will be yellow, approximately comprising the first 60 feet of the structure above mean sea level. The tower lattice structure will be painted red and white, comprising the remainder of the tower height.
The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) has determined that the tower will be deemed a Class A structure, meeting the requirements of 33 CFR 67.20. This means it will be equipped with white obstruction lights with 5 mile visibility and a sound signal with 2 mile range. Additionally, the tower will be fitted with aircraft warning lights.
source: U.S. Coast Guard