The Mid Atlantic Region could experience a mild, wet winter this year, according to NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center.
2018-19 NOAA Winter Outlook (December through February):
The Mid-Atlantic has an equal chance for below-, near- or above-average temperatures.
Better-than-average conditions for precipitation are possible in the Mid-Atlantic this winter.
NOAA’s seasonal outlooks give the likelihood that temperatures and precipitation will be above-, near- or below-average, and how drought conditions are expected to change, but the outlook does not project seasonal snowfall accumulations.
Snow forecasts are generally not predictable more than a week in advance. Even during a warmer-than-average winter, periods of cold temperatures and snowfall are still likely to occur.
NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center updates the three-month outlook each month.
NOAA produces seasonal outlooks to help communities prepare for what is likely to come in the next few months and minimize weather's impacts on lives and livelihoods.